Thursday, April 1, 2010


Over the next week, in a series of short video clips, I'm going to introduce several of the young Kenyans who will appear in PRODUCING PAMOJA. The clips also offer a glimpse into production of the feature film TOGETHERNESS SUPREME which was filmed entirely in Kibera, one of the largest slums in Africa, located on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. (Click here to visit TOGETHERNESS SUPREME blog)

“Pamoja” means "together" in Swahili, and in PRODUCING PAMOJA, we follow local youth – from different ethnic backgrounds – as they work together to produce the film and give Kenya a brighter future.

Please watch these clips with the understanding that they are intended as character sketches and should not be viewed as trailers for the film. I have very limited editing skills so these clips reflect what is easiest for me to cut together and not necessarily the best material in terms of content. They also do not represent what the completed film will look like, and I don't even have clips of everyone who will appear in the film!

First up is Martha who is the lead actress in TOGETHERNESS SUPREME (and recently nominated for an African Academy Award). She plays a volunteer nurse and the love interest of both the film's main character, Kamau, and his friend, Otieno. Martha is very dedicated to community empowerment, and her quiet passion is apparent in this clip. We also have footage of her rehearsing a poetry performance with a community theater group.


  1. Thanks for sharing the video clips Sarah. Good story about the post election violence in Kibera and how Martha Kisaka of TOGETHERNESS SUPREME and her immediate community stood together.

  2. Wow. This character is very compelling--and easy to watch. Makes you want to help.

